Archive for November 15th, 2010

Long run Monday …

I have not been putting in many long runs as of late. Hell, I can’t recall the last time I did anything over 12 (I think it was just before Boston in early April).  I figure, though, that I need to get back to the higher mileage and more speed work to get myself competitive in shorter races like 5ks and 10ks.  I need to bulk up with some longer runs – runs over 12.  Today was a start; not a great start, but a start.

It was a 14.3 mile run that was none too pleasant at points.  I ran about 2:04:00 and suffered mightily through a couple of 8:50s for miles 9 and 10 (for the most part, I kept things at a sedate 8:30 pace).  I guess there are always those sections of runs (at 47) that just seem to suck. While I was trying to lift my lead legs, I thought to myself, “I really need to stretch more.”  Not the first time that thought has crossed my mind!  My hamstrings and hips were tight.  Lifting my legs at points during this run was way too difficult.   I felt like an old man, despite my new mantra that “old” is only in your head.  If you say you are young, you are!

Anyway, it is nice to have a long run done at the beginning of the week.  It really makes the 60 mpw target doable when you’ve already logged 20% of that total by Monday.

I think some of my struggles today stem from the fact that I ran at a pretty good clip for 9 miles yesterday.  I just don’t recover so quickly from that kind of pace.  I need to keep that in mind for the future.

I will also, at times, comment on music, food, politics, sports, whatever.  In that regard, the new LCD Soundsystem album, “This is Happening” is really very good.  I loved “Sound of Silver” but this may be even better.  Check it out.

If you are in Boston, you might want to check out Ben Folds at the Orpheum on Wednesday.

November 2010

What I am reading:

Again to Carthage, Robert L. Parker

Music I am listening to:

LCD Soundsystem, This Happens Gorillaz, Plastic Beach